Friday, April 3, 2015



Go on a journey to the ancient cities Volterra, Populonia and Cervetari and see why Etruscan civilization was famous for its extravagant wealth, fine ceramics, handicrafts and bustling trade, and how it was all lost in battles with the Greek colonies in southern Italy.

Take a virtual reality tour of history's most intriguing ancient civilizations. Uncover the secrets of the pyramids as the Pharaohs reach for immortality, walk the streets of the Eternal City of Rome, relive a step-by-step reconstruction of Pompeii under the shadow of mighty Vesuvius, experience life in bustling Baghdad and journey to Latin America to the mythical "El Dorado." SECRETS OF ARCHAEOLOGY makes history come alive!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Sunken Ancient Egyptian City Discovered After 1200 Years

Sunken Ancient Egyptian City Discovered After 1200 Years

Heracleion ia a city much like Atlantis, submerged and swallowed by the Mediterranean sea for over 1200 years. But archaeologists are now discovering amazing statues of Egyptian Gods and beautiful gold artifacts.

The mysteries of this sunken city is truly being unraveled.

The city known by two names Heracleion by the Greeks and Thonis by the Egyptians was discovered 150 feet below the surface of the sea over a decade ago by a shore geo survey. Hope you enjoy the photos and facts!

The stone, some 19 feet tall and 9 feet wide, had been in 15 pieces under the sea bottom, and was one of the largest ever found. The scientists also displayed another such slab, about one-third the size.

Unresolved Secrets of the Pyramids

Unresolved secrets of the pyramids

An excellent full length video titled the Unresolved Secrets of the Pyramids, raising some legitimate questions.

The Secret of The Great Pyramid: Khufu Revealed

The Secret of The Great Pyramid: Khufu Revealed

4500 years ago, a civilization that knew nothing of iron tools, wheels or pulleys built the Great Pyramid of Khufu. For centuries, its construction remained an unsolved mystery. But recently, a French architect disclosed a revolutionary theory: the pyramid may have been built from the inside out.
Using the most advanced scientific 3D technology, Jean Pierre Houdin tested and re-enacted the construction of Khufu's tomb. He believes that an internal spiral ramp is still there.... just waiting to be found.

Combining scientific investigation, magnificent CGI and re-enactments, this film will unveil the true genius of the ancient Egyptians. How Khufu's "Horizon" -- as Egyptians used to call the pharaoh's final resting place -- was "rediscovered", "opened", analysed and measured, etc.

How all the previous research, theories and mistakes enabled Jean-Pierre Houdin to design this unique re-constitution of its construction. 

Lost Temples: Mystery of the Akapana Pyramid

In this video, Lost Temples: Mystery of the Akapana Pyramid - Scientists decode the life giving riddle of Bolovia's great Akapana Pyramid.